By default, ecratum classifies company groups in the following categories:
- My Clients
- My Producers
- My Suppliers
- My Traders
In addition to “My Suppliers” which is the default company group that contains each supplier that you are connected in ecratum, you can create customized supplier groups. As explained here, grouping suppliers into customized supplier groups can help you have easier management over the interactions with your suppliers, particularly if you are working with a big number of suppliers.
Creating a supplier group can be achieved by taking a couple of steps explained below:
- To start with, click on the Supplier Groups under the Business Partners sidebar entry.
- Then, click on the Add Group button to be landed on the view that you can create your customized supplier group.
- You are now on the view that you can create a supplier group. Here, do the following:
- Type a name for the supplier group
- Select a plan in which you define the supplier group (available only if your company holds the subscription of a custom plan)
- Click on the Create button
You have now created a supplier group. You can proceed with adding suppliers to this particular group. To do so:
- Click on the Add Supplier To Group button on the page for the specific supplier group.
- Then, select the supplier that you want to add to the group from the drop-down menu and press Add to Group. You need to repeat this step to keep adding the aimed amount of companies to the group.
- At the end of the process of adding suppliers to the chosen supplier group, you will have a list of the companies within that particular group.
- For each company in the group, there are some actions that you can take after clicking on the Actions drop-down button of the preferred company.
- The actions you can take with a company in a group are listed as:
- Delete company: You can delete a company either from the chosen company group or all groups available in your company account and of which company is a member.
- View profile: You can go to the detailed profile of the company by clicking on this option. More information can be found: How to view my supplier’s profile
- Document files: You can view the document files that you received from that company that correspond to supplier document tasks that you sent. Keep in mind that this ability is enabled only if your company holds the subscription of a custom plan that contains the Supplier Documentation module and you are given the permissions to work with this module.
- Product files: You can view the product document files provided by the chosen company after clicking on this option.
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