In ecratum, the events occurred on each document task you send to your suppliers can be monitored along a calendar. That means you can track a document task throughout its timeline and view the events happen like when a file provided for your task and when you accepted it and many more.
- To go to the Supplier Documentation timeline page for a supplier, firstly you need to click on My Suppliers located under the Business Partners sidebar entry.
- On My Suppliers page, click on the Actions button of the supplier whose document timeline you want to view.
- After pressing the Actions button, click on View Profile out of the listed options.
- You are now landed on the page that you can view the attributes related to your supplier’s profile such as their task scorecard, contacts and so on. To view the Supplier Documentation timeline, click on the Timeline tab.
- Here, you can choose a document type of which you want to view the timeline. Keep in mind that the document types listed on this page are particular to the supplier whose profile you view which means the document tasks that you sent them so far are listed. After choosing a document type, press the Click To See Timeline button.
- The timeline for the chosen document type is now displayed. Hover your mouse on the calendar to see the task status and click on the Events button of a task status to see the events occurred on that particular document ordered chronologically.
- On the events page for a document, you can get the detailed information about that specific document like the document task sent by whom, on which date and time and the list of the status that the task went through.
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