Corrective action templates are a way for you to customize the corrective action tasks for each supplier. For each different type of supplier you deal with, you can create a template, choosing which fields you wish to include in the corrective action form. It will then be ready to be picked, filled out and sent off - and contain no more information than necessary for that particular supplier.
When an incident occurs and a corrective action task needs to be sent off, you or your team will have to choose one of the corrective action templates.
To create a Corrective Action template, click on Corrective Actions Templates in the Configuration menu :
This will take you to the Corrective Action templates list.
This page displays all of the corrective action templates you have previously created (in the screenshot below this list is empty).
To create a new Corrective Action task, click Add Template, which will take you to the New Corrective Action templates page.
The New Corrective Action Template page is where you can create and customise corrective action templates.
The page contains a form where you can :
Name the template - we suggest naming the templates according to the type of supplier they are meant for ex. "Raw materials suppliers"
Select corrective action categories from the list of categories you previously created (see How to create Corrective Action categories? ). You should include any category that you want to be selectable by the person filling out the template later on. For example, if this template is meant to be sent off to Raw Material Suppliers, and you decide Late Deliveries and Faulty Goods are two issues that could likely occur (and you want to track them via categories) then you should include both in the template. The person filling out the template and sending the task, later on, will decide which of the two to select, depending on the kind of issue that has occurred.
Choose optional fields to include in the template. In addition to the standard fields present in all corrective action tasks, such as Title, Description, Delivery Date, etc., you can decide to include further optional fields. These are :
- Product Code & Name (Purchaser)
- Product Code & Name (Seller)
- Order number
- Delivery Number
- Goods receipt code
- Quantity of delivered goods
- Quantity of faulty goods
- Code of goods returned
- Complain creation date
- Deadline for supplier answer
- Location
- Our purchasing contact
- Person submitting complaint
- Client batch code 1
- Client batch code 2
- Client batch code 3
- Client batch code 4
- Supplier batch code 1
- Supplier batch code 2
- Supplier batch code 3
- Supplier batch code 4
Once you click 'Create Template', the template is added to your list of available templates. You can then select it to send to a supplier: read the How To Send Off Corrective Action Tasks? to find out how.
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