Once you've created an evaluation cycle, you can start sending out the evaluations.
To start evaluating your suppliers, you must have previously imported them or added them manually in your MySuppliers list. Click here to learn how to add a supplier or import a list of suppliers.
For each batch of evaluations you send out, you define who within your internal team will be responsible for evaluating each criteria. You can decide to use the same evaluators for all of your suppliers, or you can decide to have different evaluators for different types of suppliers.
If you want to have different evaluators for different types of suppliers, you will need to group your suppliers into Supplier Groups.
Starting an evaluation
To start the evaluation process, click Start Evaluation in the configuration menu.
On this page the first thing you will have to do is choose which Evaluation Cycle you want to start evaluations for. The most common case is to pick the latest evaluation cycle you've created, most likely the current one ex Evaluations 2018
Once you have picked a cycle, the page will show the evaluation criteria that you defined for this evaluation cycle.
You'll have to select which group of suppliers you want to start evaluation for :
- If you want to evaluate all your suppliers with the same team of evaluators, just choose "My Suppliers" from the dropdown.
- Otherwise choose a custom group of suppliers (see above how to create Supplier Groups)
Then for each of the evaluation criteria that you chose when you created the evaluation cycle, you can define a user within your team responsible for that criteria.
Note : That user will be the user receiving the evaluation cycle in their inbox. Make sure they have a valid account and can sign in.
You can reorder the criteria to decide which gets evaluated first.
Once you click Start Evaluation at the bottom of the page , evaluation tasks will be sent out , 1 task for each of the suppliers you started the evaluation for.
The tasks will be sent to the members of your team you defined as evaluators, in the order you placed the evaluation criteria. Ex if criteria "Price" is first, as in the screenshot to the right, the evaluator chosen for price will first receive the Evaluation Task.
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