*German translations of the article will be available soon.
Customs Documentation (CD) is a module provided by ecratum to its users to offer an ability to send Customs Documentation tasks and monitor the progress made on them. When your business partner sends you a Customs Documentation task, you will find it in your Inbox with a notice that informs you about that you have a CD task which you need to deal with in priority as the CD tasks have a time boundary.
In order to allow you to reply to a received CD task, there are some attributes included in this module:
SOVA: As our Customer Service team imports yearly SOVA CSV files, when you receive a CD task, you will be able to select the needed SOVA from a drop-down list.
Countries: The list of available countries is displayed in the detailed view of your CD task.
When you receive a CD task in your Inbox, take the following steps to respond to it:
- Click on the CD task from the list of all your received task so that you will be taken to the detailed page of that task where you can reply to it.
- Select the SOVA
- Select the country from the drop-down list
- Select a preference country
- Choose the date of issue by using the date picker
- Choose the start date by using the date picker
- Upload a file (PDF only) and choose the expiry date by pressing the Add File button
If you do not have any file to reply to the CD task, you can press the I Don't Have This Document button.
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